A biography of Sun Myung Moon,
Becoming a World Figure through the Love of Peace, was released in South Korea last month and has become a bestseller. The book was published by a respectable publishing house, GimmYoungSa. From what I have gleaned from the Internet, prominent Christians in South Korea have denounced the book. The fact that this book is selling well shouldn't be an indicator that even a significant plurality of South Koreans embrace Moon's worldview. Take for example the case in the United States; the current number one book on the New York Times' best-seller list is Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin, a right-wing nut. A few years ago, Michael Savage's
The Savage Nation was on the top of the best-seller list (I have written about the lunacy of both Levin and Savage
here--also read my previous posts about Savage and Washington Times operative Jeffrey Kuhner,
here and
Addendum: Before my anti-Moon activism became prominent, Robert Stacy McCain,
Dixie dick, quoted my assessment of Savage's book
in an article about Savage: "
The Savage Nation is a scabrous book by a man who is a nutcase, a quack and a virulent hatemonger."
Also note that, "The book sidesteps religious controversy and church theology." So they skirt the heart of what Moon is and I am betting they don't mention all the widows swindled in Japan.
Good job on this site Scoobie. Keep the public informed.
I note that Moon is now re-branding or repositioning himself in the spiritual marketplace as a man of peace. This is deeply ironic considering that when I was a member of Moon's group, we believed that a war with Communism was nearly inevitable, and we all supported the Reagan-era rearmament of the U.S. armed forces because of this. More recently, Moon and his Washington Times supported the two Gulf Wars and the bellicose Bush administration. In the 1980s, Moon's CAUSA movement supported the "Star Wars" anti-missile program. Moon's Washington Times contributed funds to the Contra guerilla forces in Central America. Moon's theology implies that world peace will only come about when everyone magically converts to Unificationism and follows Moon. This new emphasis on peace is all the sheerest hypocrisy and is vomit-inducing.
nice to see an image of the book in Korean. I suspect that any comment will be futile: I believe that Rev. Moon is a force for good in the world and it seems that many in Korea are now realizing that they have been duped by those who claim to have an exclusive understanding of what it means to be a Christian.
rev. moon is the best person i ever know his teaching is awaking and calling everyone!to love one another .
You talk about exposing Rev. Moon. Prove it. What has he done (CITE IT) that has deserved your hatred? I'm not going to preach about how great of a man he is - I let his actions speak for themselves. What has he been doing recently other than world peace?
When I came in the Unification Church my parents suddenly became faithful people from being atheists all their life, and told me I betray the Orthodox faith :) . All my friends and relative came to put me out of that dangerous sect. During my presence in that church I saw articles telling that we Unification members use drugs,are fascists, do sexual rituals, My Lord ... NOTHING from all those things are true.
The parts of a lie are usually a peace of truth and a lot of inventories by a ill imaginations.
All my respect for Rev.Moon, his sons, church and NGOs.
I don't know why spiritual emptiness is pushing precious souls into the satanic prison of Mr. Moon. This man is an epithom of modern day deception. Those who know nothing believe everything. Let me help you! Moon changed his name in the 1950's from Yong Myong Moon to Song Yong Moon because he wanted to hide his true spiritual identity. "Yong" means "Dragon." This man is actually the biblical Dragon also known as the devil. His son Hingini died by motor accident Moon the "savior" of the world could not save him from the tragic mishap yet he wants the whole would to beleive in him as the Jesus Christ of the second coming. This Deciever has told his followers that his Son (who died by motor accident) is now the "Mediator between them and him who God has sent." Revend Moon has been convicted in the US three time. If the courts of men can gennuinely find a man guilty of wrong doing how can such a person save our world from evil? Please beware of wolves in sheep's clothing- Okass
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